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Resource: Know Your Reproductive Rights

June 30, 2022

The following information is intended to answer questions about your legal rights in Vermont. You should talk to a health care provider about questions regarding your reproductive health, including whether and when you can safely terminate your pregnancy.

Exercise caution when speaking with a new health care provider or searching online for health information. Do not share your personal health information except with a trusted provider.

Does Vermont law protect my right to an abortion?

Yes. Vermont law protects your right to have an abortion and treats abortion like other kinds of health care. You are entitled to this right regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, immigration status, race, ethnicity, disability status, or any other protected characteristic.

Did I lose my right to an abortion when the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade?

No, not in Vermont. Even though the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, your right is still protected under Vermont law.

Does Vermont law protect my right to receive other reproductive health care?

Yes. The State cannot interfere with your decisions regarding reproductive care, including whether or not to use birth control, how to manage a pregnancy loss, and decisions about giving birth like whether to have caesarean surgery or epidural anesthesia.

Are there limits on when a provider can give me an abortion?

No. There are no legal restrictions in Vermont. Talk with your health care provider about the appropriate procedures available at each stage of your pregnancy.

Can I get a prescription for abortion medication online in Vermont?

Yes. In Vermont, you can get a prescription for medication abortion through an online telehealth appointment with a medical provider and have the medication sent to you by mail.

Providers who offer medication abortion generally do so up to around 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.

Will my health insurance cover an abortion?

Probably. Vermont Medicaid and most Vermont-based private health insurers cover abortion. Contact your insurance provider for your policy information.

Do I have to be a resident of Vermont to receive an abortion in Vermont?

No. Residents of other states may receive health care in Vermont, including abortion and other reproductive care.

However, Vermont does not regulate how out-of-state insurance plans provide coverage, so you should speak to your insurer and health care provider to understand your payment options.

I’m under 18 years old; can I get an abortion?

Yes. Vermont protects your right to an abortion too.


A PDF of this information is available here.