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Directory of Manufacturers and Brand Families Compliant with 33 V.S.A. Chapter 19, Subchapters 1A and 1B

Last Updated August 14, 2024

The manufacturers and brands listed in this directory are in compliance with all applicable Vermont laws pursuant to 33 V.S.A. Chapter 19, Subchapters 1A and 1B. Cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco not listed below may not be stamped or sold or offered for sale in Vermont.  Moreover, effective May 1, 2006, cigarettes, in order to be legal for sale in Vermont, must also be certified as “fire-safe” pursuant to 20 V.S.A. § 2757.  All cigarettes that are compliant with (a) 33 V.S.A. Chapter 19, Subchapters 1A and 1B, and (b) the fire-safe requirements of 20 V.S.A.§27§2757 are listed in the Combined Listing.  The Combined Listing also includes the brands of roll-your-own tobacco that are legal for sale in Vermont.

All cigarette and roll-your-own tobacco that can legally be sold, offered for sale, or possessed for sale in Vermont are included on the Combined Listing. Any cigarettes or roll your own tobacco not on the Combined Listing is considered contraband and is subject to seizure and destruction under 7 V.S.A. §1009. Sale or attempted sale of products not listed on the combined listing may also be punishable by license revocation and/or imposition of civil and criminal penalty. This Directory and the Combined Listing will be updated on a regular basis.  Anyone wishing to receive notice of changes in the Directory or Combined Listing by email can join the listserv Tobacco Directory Notification by sending an email to  


Commonwealth Brands, Inc.

Crowns (family)
Montclair (family)
Sonoma (family)
USA Gold (family)


ITG Brands, LLC

Fortuna (family)
Kool (family)
Maverick (family)
Rave (family)
Rave RYO
Salem (family)
Winston (family)


Japan Tobacco International U.S.A. Inc.

Export A (family)
LD by L. Ducat
Wave (family)


King Maker Marketing Inc.

Wildhorse (family)


Liggett Group Inc.

Eve (family)
Grand Prix (family)
Liggett Select (family)
Montego (family)
Pyramid (family)


Native Trading Associates

Native (Family)



Ohserase Manufacturing, LLC Signal (family)

Great Country (Family)



Peter Stokkebye Tobaksfabrik A/S

Amsterdam Shag RYO
Danish Export RYO
London Export RYO
Norwegian Shag RYO
Stockholm Blend RYO
Turkish Export RYO


Philip Morris USA Inc.

Basic (family)
Benson & Hedges (family)
Chesterfield (family)
L & M (family)
Marlboro (family)
Merit (family)
Nat's (Family)
Parliament (family)
Virginia Slims (family)


Premier Manufacturing Inc.

1st Class (family)
Manitou (family)
Shield (family)
Ultra Buy (family)


R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Camel (family)
Camel Wides (family)
Capri (family)
Carlton (family)
Doral (family)
Dunhill (family)
Dunhill International (family)
Eclipse (family)
GPC (family)
Kamel Red (family)
Kent (family)
Lucky Strike (family)
Misty (family)
Monarch (family)
More 120 (family)
Newport (family)
Now (family)
Old Gold (family)
Pall Mall (family)
State Express 555 (family)
Tareyton (family)
True (family)
Vantage (family)


Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Co. Inc.

Natural American Spirit (family)
Natural American Spirit RYO


Scandinavian Tobacco Group Lane Ltd.

Bugler RYO
Kite RYO
Leaf by Lane Limited RYO
Midnight Special RYO


Top Tobacco, L.P.

Bali Shag RYO
Drum RYO
Gambler RYO
Our Advertiser RYO
Premier RYO


U.S. Flue-Cured tobacco Growers, Inc.

1839 RYO
1839 (family)
Traffic (family)


Vector Tobacco Inc.

Eagles 20 (family)
USA (family)


Wind River Tobacco Company LLC

American Bison RYO
Canoe RYO
Nashville RYO
Teton RYO


Xcaliber International, Ltc. LLC
