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2001 Opinions

TO: Kevin McLaughlin, Sheriff Chittenden County Sheriff’s Department
FROM: Michael McShane, Assistant Attorney General
DATED: 6/13/01
RE: Interpretation of 24 V.S.A. § 73 concerning liability insurance. Legislative intent is clear that the county government bear those operating costs which are not specifically assigned to the state and which are mentioned in the statutes amended to effectuate the recommendations of the joint committee. Payment of an insurance deductible is a cost of operating a sheriff’ s department and should be paid by the County. FORMAL OPINION.

TO: Committee on General, Housing and Military Affairs
FROM: William E. Griffin, Chief Assistant Attorney General
DATED: April 18, 2001
RE: Under 20 V.S.A. § 2056a, liquor control investigators and other state and local law enforcement officers should continue to have access to Criminal Information Center records in accordance with the terms of the statute. INFORMAL OPINION.

TO: Senator Ann Cummings, Chair Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules
FROM: Bridget C. Asay, Assistant Attorney General
DATED: October 17, 2001
RE: Under the relevant statutes and judicial precedent, the Commissioner of the Department of Banking, Insurance, Securities and Health Care Administration has authority under Vermont law to promulgate rules relating to the privacy of consumer financial and health information in the banking, insurance, and securities industries. FORMAL OPINION.