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Attorney General Donovan to Postpone Government Benefits Cases in Light of Covid-19 Crisis

March 19, 2020

Contact: Charity Clark, Chief of Staff, (802) 828-3171


Vermonters In Dispute Over Benefits Get Reprieve

Attorney General T.J. Donovan today announced that his office will file motions to continue for 90 days all economic services cases where they provide counsel to the State of Vermont. These motions will postpone all pending cases between the State and Vermonters involving the termination or reduction of existing benefits. Affected programs include over 20 different benefit programs across divisions of the Vermont Agency of Human Services, including the popular benefits programs 3SquaresVT (formerly known as food stamps), Reach-Up (Vermont’s TANF program), and Vermont Health Connect.

“In a crisis, people shouldn’t have to worry about their benefits,” said Attorney General Donovan.

All Assistant Attorneys General handling economic services cases will seek a 90-day continuance in cases involving the following benefits programs:

Department of Vermont Health Access (DVHA)

Vermont Health Connect


Healthy Vermonters

Medicaid Eligibility

Medicaid Covered Services

Katie Beckett Medicaid

Working Disabled; Working People With Disabilities (WPWD)

Long Term Care Medicaid Coverage

Economic Services Division of the Department for Children and Families


Reach First

Reach Ahead


General Assistance

Emergency Assistance

Fuel Assistance

DCF-ESD Essential Person

Vermont Rental Subsidy Program

Vermont Department of Health (VDH)

Children’s Personal Care

Children’s High-Tech Nursing

Vermont Department of Mental Health (DMH)

Community Rehabilitation and Treatment