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Guidance on Creation of Memoranda of Understanding

This guidance is to help Community Justice Centers and Network members develop MOUs regarding how programs will operate and how CJCs may accept referrals of DV/SV cases. In accordance with statute, Act 11 does not implicate other restorative justice organizations or programs, but nothing prevents other organizations from following this guidance as well.

As we learn more about the practical experience of communities and organizations, this guidance will be updated. We are all learning as we take on this important work, and we intend for this document to be responsive and iterative.

The guidance was developed collectively by a steering committee of staff of the Vermont Attorney General’s Community Justice Unit, the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, and the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services. An advisory group including restorative justice practitioners, domestic and sexual violence service providers, the Department for Children and Families, and other allied professionals, including individuals with expertise in anti-racism and anti-discrimination, provided invaluable feedback as well.

Act 11 Guidance - July 1, 2024