The Criminal Division consists of the Criminal Litigation Unit (“CLU”), the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (“VT-ICAC”) and the Medicaid Fraud and Residential Abuse Unit (“MFRAU”).
The Criminal Litigation Unit
The Criminal Litigation Unit (“CLU”) serves as the primary prosecution agency for VT-ICAC, which concentrates on the investigation of child sexual abuse materials and the exploitation of children throughout Vermont.
The CLU also prosecutes complex cases with a focus on matters that are statewide in nature or require significant resources or expertise beyond those normally available at the county level, which include the prioritization of homicides, sexual assaults, and child abuse. Further, the Unit is tasked with reviewing all incidents involving deadly force by law enforcement officers in Vermont. In addition, the CLU also provides support to law enforcement and prosecutorial agencies through training and general consultation.
Medicaid Fraud and Residential Abuse Unit ("MFRAU")
Vermont Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force ("VT-ICAC")