The list below represents litigation outcomes, settlements, and resolutions in the Environmental Protection Unit since January 2017.
State of Vermont, Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation v. Bruce E. Limlaw, Ruth L. Limlaw, and Bryce Limlaw; Docket No. 25-CV-01352 (Timber Trespass)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (03/25/2025)
Allco Finance Limited, Chelsea Solar LLC, and Apple Hill Solar LLC v. Anthony Z. Roisman, Riley Allen, and Margaret Cheney, in their official capacities as commissioners of the VT PUC; Case No. 2:23-cv-691
Order on Motion to Dismiss (11/19/2024)
In re Windham Windsor Housing Trust JO Appeal; Case No. 24-AP-079 (Act 250)
William & Mary Fulton v. Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation; Case No. 23-AP-319 (Use Value Appraisal)
In re Investigation Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. Sec. 30 & 209 into Whether the Petitioner Initiated Site Preparation at Apple Hill in Bennington, VT; Case No. 23-AP-346
Apple Hill Solar LLC v. Margaret Cheney and Anthony Roisman; Case No. 2:23-cv-644
Opinion and Order (08/23/2024)
In re DJK, LLC WW & WS Permit; Case No. 22-AP-296 (Wastewater and Potable Water Supply Permit Appeal)
PLH Vineyard Sky LLC v. Vermont PUC et al.; Case No. 2:23-cv-154
Opinion and Order (03/12/2024)
State of Vermont, ANR v. KS Pine LLC; Case No. 24-CV-00250 (Superfund Site Long-term Remediation)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Parkway Cleaners; Case No. 480-7-10 Wncv (Hazardous Waste)
Partial Satisfaction of Judgment (01/08/2024)
Settlement Agreement and Release (12/27/2023)
In re Vermont Permanency Initiative, Inc. Denial; Case No. 22-AP-324 (Zoning Permit Appeal)
Entry Order (12/21/2023)
Final Judgment Order (11/04/2022)
Decision on Cross-Motions for Summary Judgment (10/18/2022)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Jacqueline Desmarais and 447 Horseshoe Road, LLC; Case No. 21-CV-00886 (Salvage Yard)
Final Judgment Order (12/01/2023)
State of Vermont, FPR v. Thomas Tremonte; Case No. 21-CV-00536 (State Lands)
Order approving Joint Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice (11/28/2023)
Settlement Agreement and Release (10/18/2023)
Standing Trees Inc. et al v. State of Vermont; Case No. 22-CV-04195
Opinion and Order on Plaintiffs’ Motion to Alter or Amend (11/08/2023)
Ruling on the State’s Motion to Dismiss (09/01/2023)
In re Petition of Apple Hill Solar LLC; Case No. 22-AP-286 (PUC CPG Denial)
Motion to Reargue Entry Order (12/12/2023)
Entry Order (10/27/2023)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Green Mountain Power Corporation; Case No. 23-CV-02932 (Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (09/20/2023)
State of Vermont, ANR v. David Howrigan, Peggy Howrigan, Ronald Paradis, and Lynn Paradis; Case No. 23-CV-03553 (Agriculture Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (09/18/2023)
State of Vermont, AAFM v. Pleasant Valley Farms of Berkshire, LLC, Mark St. Pierre, and Amanda St. Pierre; Docket No. 1-1-20 Frcv (Agriculture Water Quality)
Final Judgment Order (07/10/2023)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Daren Sizen and Laura Sizen d/b/a Sizen Dairy Farm; Case No. 23-CV-00596 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (03/08/2023)
Frances Nesti v. Vermont AOT; Case No. 22-AP-096 (Discharge Permit Appeal)
Entry Order (01/06/2023)
Decision on Motion for Summary Judgment (03/15/2022)
Otter Creek Solar LLC & PLH LLC v. State of Vermont, ANR; Case No. 22-AP-048
Entry Order (12/02/2022)
Decision on Motions to Dismiss (11/16/2021)
State of Vermont, ANR v. J.C. Rendering, Inc.; Case No. 22-CV-03194 (Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (10/05/2022)
In re Katzenbach A250 Permit #7R1374-1; Case No. 21-AP-189 (Act 250)
State of Vermont, NRB, and ANR v. Vermont Packinghouse, LLC and Curran-Birge Real Estate, LLC; Case No. 22-CV-01889 (Water Quality and Act 250)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (08/03/2022)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Highlands Fuel Delivery, L.L.C., dba Irving Energy; Case No. 22-CV-02184 (Aboveground Storage Tank)
Consent Agreement and Final Judgment Order (06/22/2022)
In re Snowstone, LLC Act 250 Jurisdictional Opinion; Case No. 2020-197 (Act 250)
Entry Order (02/11/2022)
In re Investigation Pursuant to 30 V.S.A. §§ 30 and 209 into whether the Petitioner Initiated Site Preparation at Apple Hill in Bennington, Vermont; Case No. 2021-085 (PUC Order Appeal)
State of Vermont, ANR, and AAFM v. Cherryrail Farm, LLC, and James Westbrook, Case No. 21-CV-00063 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Agreement and Final Judgment Order (09/22/2021)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Dean Wright and Angel Wright; Case No. 21-CV-01135 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (06/03/2021)
State of Vermont, DEC v. Mad River Car Wash, Inc. and Marc DiMario; Case No. 21-CV-00700 (Underground Storage Tank)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (04/23/2021)
Allco Renewable Energy Limited et al. v. James Volz, Vepp Inc. et al.; Cases No. 5:20-cv-34
Order on Defendants' Motions to Dismiss (03/26/2021)
State of Vermont, ANR and NRB v. Chittenden Solid Waste District; Case No. 20-CV-00961 (Solid Waste and Act 250)
Consent Order and Fianl Judgment Order (02/04/2021)
State of Vermont, AAFM and ANR v. Nop Brothers and Sons, et al.; Case No. 20-CV-00753 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (01/04/2021)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Douglas J. Dix d/b/a Deerfield Valley Property Maintenance, Eric B. Johnson, and Tawyna J. Johnson; Case No. 20-CV-00782 (Shoreland Protection Act)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (12/17/2020)
State of Vermont, AAFM and ANR v. Richville Farms, et al.; Docket No. 175-10-18 Ancv (Agricultural Water Quality)
Final Judgment Order (10/07/2020)
State of Vermont, DEC v. Vermont Technical College; Case No. 20-CV-00515 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Agreement and Final Order (09/29/2020)
Michael R. Kingman and Pamela S. Kingman v. State of Vermont; Docket No. 168-9-18 Ancv (State Lands)
Order approving Joint Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice (9/21/2020)
Settlement Agreement and Release (10/18/2019)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Hearth & Home Technologies, LLC; Case No. 20-CV-00299 (Air Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (08/25/2020)
State of Vermont v. Gilbert A. Rhoades, Sr. and Blanche E. Rhoades; Docket No. 932-10-19 Cncv (Hazardous and Solid Waste/Junkyard)
Judgment Order (renewal) (8/5/20)
State of Vermont, AAFM and ANR v. Douglas Butler and Butler Farm; Docket No. 35-2-20 Ancv (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (7/29/20)
State of Vermont, ANR v. JAM Fuel, LLC d/b/a JAM Fuels and Joshua A. Marcell; Docket No. 384-9-19 Wrcv (Hazardous Waste)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (2/10/20)
In re Morrisville Hydroelectric Project Water Quality, Docket No. 103-9-16 Vtec (Water Quality)
State of Vermont, ANR and AAFM v. Nelson Farms, Inc. and Douglas Nelson, Jr., Docket No. 172-8-17 Oscv (Agricultural Water Quality)
Final Judgment Order (11/14/19)
Order on Civil Penalty (12/11/20)
State of Vermont v. David Currier, Docket No. 49-2-19 Wncv
Default Judgment Order (09/12/2019)
Diverging Diamond Interchange SW Permit, Diverging Diamond Interchange A250, Docket No. 2018-232 (Stormwater and Act 250)
Saint Gobain Performance Plastics v. State of Vermont, ANR, Dkt. No. 712-12-17 Wncv (PFOA Rules Challenge)
Order Dismissing Action (5/30/19)
Stipulated Motion to Dismiss (5/29/19)
State of Vermont v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics,Docket No. 92-4-19 Bncv (PFOA)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (5/28/19)
State of Vermont, ANR v. Green Crow Corporation and Dwight Hill Forest, Docket No. 164-3-19 Wncv (Superfund Site Long-Term Remediation)
State of Vermont ANR v. Parkway Cleaners et al, Docket No. 2018-165 (Haz Waste appeal)
Entry Order and Opinion (3/29/19)
In re Petition of Swanton Wind LLC, Docket No. 2019-071 (PUC appeal)
State of Vermont v. Fiat Chrysler, Docket No. 221-4-10 Wrcv (Air Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (4/16/19)
State of Vermont v. Safety Kleen Systems, Inc., Docket No. 61-2-19 Wncv (Haz. Waste)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (3/14/19)
State v. Atlantic Richfield et al, Docket No. 340-6-14 Wncv (MTBE litigation)
Settlement Agreement and Release (3/15/19)
In re Multiple WWTF Permit Appeals, Docket Nos. 138-10-17 Vtec, etc. (Wastewater Treatment Permits)
Decision on Summary Judgment Motions (2/1/19)
Judgment Order (2/1/19)
In re Champlain Parkway (Fortieth Burlington LLC), Docket No. 2017-413 (Conditional Use Permit/Wetlands appeal)
Entry Order and Opinion (11/9/18)
In re Investigation into SolarCity Corp, Docket No. 2018-207 (PUC appeal)
Entry Order and Opinion (10/31/18)
In re Construction of Meteorological Tower (Belisle), Docket No. 2018-120 (PUC appeal)
Entry Order and Opinion (10/31/18)
State of Vermont v. Kane’s Scenic River Farms, Docket No. 359-9-18 (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (10/9/18)
State of Vermont v. Chittenden Resorts et al, Docket No. 72/1-18 Rdcv (Act 250/Wastewater)
Consent Order and Final Judgement Order (9/13/18)
State of Vermont v. William and Robin Hanfield, Docket No. 597-10-15 Rdcv (Agricultural Water Quality)
Order on Motion for Contempt (7/23/18)
Diverging Diamond Interchange SW Permit, Docket No. 50-6-16 Vtec
Diverging Diamond Interchange A250, Docket No. 169-12-16 Vtec (Stormwater/Act 250 appeals)
Merits Decision (6/1/18)
Judgment Order (6/1/18)
Brosseau/Brosseau’s Sweet Corn, AAFM Admin. Docket No. 2018-01-07 PT (Agriculture/Pesticides)
Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Order (5/29/18)
State of Vermont v. Moretown Landfill, Inc., Docket No. 663-11-14 Wncv (Air Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (5/21/19)
State of Vermont v. Parkway Cleaners et al, Docket No. 480-7-10 Wncv (Hazardous Waste)
Entry and Final Judgment Order (4/10/18)
Masse v. State of Vermont, Docket No. 246-11-16 Oscv (Water/Dam Removal)
Entry Regarding Motion for Summary Judgment (4/3/18)
State of Vermont v. County Waste (Ace Carting), Docket No. 77-2-18 Wncv (Hazardous Waste)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (4/10/18)
ANR v. Supeno, Supeno and Ernst, Docket No. 2018-187 (Wastewater Permit Violations Appeal)
Entry Order and Opinion (3/16/18)
State of Vermont v. Parkway Cleaners, Docket No. 480-7-10 Wncv (Hazardous Waste)
Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order (1/22/18)
State of Vermont ANR v. Pleasant Valley Farms of Berkshire, LLC, Docket No. 452-11-17 Frcv (Agricultural Water Quality)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (12/17/17)
In re Hinesburg Hannaford Act 250/Site Plan, Dkt. Nos. 2016-273/2016-274 (Act 250/Site Plan Approval Appeals)
Entry Order and Opinion (11/9/17)
State v. Westminster Meats/Daniel Mandich, Docket No. 195-6-17 Wmcv (Slaughterhouse/Wastewater Violations)
State of Vermont v. Volkswagen, et al, Docket No. 536-9-16 Wncv (Air Quality)
Partial Consent Judgment (11/3/17)
Great American Insurance Company (Investigation, Removal Action or Remedial Action)
State of Vermont v. John M. Ruggiero, et al, Docket No. 470-8-14 Rcdv (Hazardous Waste)
State of Vermont ANR v. Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Corp., Docket No. 205-7-17 Bncv (PFOA – incorporated and superseded by 5/29/19 Consent Order)
Entry Order (10/2/17)
Stipulation for the Entry of Consent Order with Consent Order (7/25/17)
Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) (Act 250)
Settlement Agreement (9/26/17)
Old Lantern Non-Conforming Use (Four Hills), Dkt No. 154-12-15 Vtec
Four Hills Farm Partnership Agreement, Docket No. 129-10-16 Vtec (Agricultural Large Farm Permit Appeal)
Judgment Order (8/22/17)
Decision of Cross Motions for Summary Judgment (8/22/17)
State of Vermont v. Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc., Docket No. 380-6-17 Wncv (Hazardous Waste)
Consent Order and Final Judgment Order (8/3/17)
Plum Creek Timberlands v. State of Vermont, Docket Nos. 72-12-10 Excv, 30-6-11 Excv, 19-4-11 Excv, 31-6-11 Excv, 294-12-10 Oscv, and 76-4-11 Oscv (Use Value Appraisal/ Water Quality)