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2017 Vermont Attorney General’s Office Public Record Act Requests and Responses

This page contains all public record act requests and public records released by the Attorney General’s Office for the 2017 year.

Please note that personal information, such as personal contact information contained in public record act requests, may be redacted under 1 V.S.A. § 317(c)(7).


Date Name Organization Request and Response
01/12/2017 Tom Bath Bath & Edmonds, P.A. 2017-01-12 Bath PRR recd 1-17-17

2017-01-20 Kolber resp to PRR

Documents Produced Pages 1-147

Documents Produced Pages 148-297

Documents Produced Pages 298-394
01/17/2017 Dan Schwartz VTDigger 2017-01-17 Schwartz email PRA

2017-01-31 Chen resp to Schwartz w-docs

2017-04-20 Diamond ltr w-further review
01/19/2017 Madeline Prebil The Lenzner Firm, P.C. 2017-01-19 Prebil PRR

2017-01-27 Extension ltr to Prebil

2017-02-01 Curtis email to Frier re PRR

2017-02-06 Prebil agreement to extend response time

2017-02-17 Response to Prebil PRA request

2017-02-22 Prebil expanded PRA request

2017-03-30 Payment recd from Prebil
01/25/2017 Craig Richardson Free Market Environmental Law Clinic 2017-01-25 FMELC PRR

2017-01-26 Kehne extension ltr

2017-02-08 Kehne response ltr to PRR

2017-02-09 Appeal of Charges

2017-02-14 Diamond ltr re waiving charges

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 1-74

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 75-150

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 151-225

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 226-300

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 301-375

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 376-450

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 451-525

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 526-600

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 601-633

2017-12-05 HRM Documents Produced 634-666
02/01/2017 Eric Daniel Jackson Unknown 2017 01-25 Jackson FOIA Request

2017 02-06 Ext ltr to Jackson

2017 02-15 Chen response to PRA request

2017-12-05 Jackson Documents Produced 1-163

2017-12-05 Jackson Documents Produced 164-218

2017-12-05 Jackson Documents Produced 219-254

2017-12-05 Jackson Documents Produced 255-290

2017-12-05 Jackson Documents Produced 291-326
02/03/2017 Detective Mark Jacobs Colchester PD 2017-02-03 Det Jacobs PRR

2017-02-03 Jandl resp to PRR w-doc
02/07/2017 Allan Blutstein America Rising 2017-02-07 Blutstein faxed PRR

2017-02-13 London response to PRR
02/07/2017 Adam Federman VTDigger 2017-02-07 Federman PRA request

2017-02-13 London resp to PRR w-doc
02/08/2017 Katie Jickling SevenDays 2017-02-08 Jickling PRA request

2017-02-09 JDH resp to PRA request

2017-02-08 Jickling Documents Produced
02/08/2017 Frankie Polaczek Public & Private Sector Solutions 2017-02-08 Polaczek PRR

2017-02-13 KMF response to PRR
02/21/2017 Dan Schwartz VTDigger 2017-02-21 Schwartz PRA request

2017 02-21 Extension ltr to Schwartz

2017-03-06 Response to Dan Schwartz

2017-04-20 Diamond ltr w-further review

2017-06-02 Galloway email w-resp ltr

2017-06-02 VTDigger Resp to Diamond ltr

2017-06-07 Response to Schwartz and Galloway

2017-06-08 Schwartz email response

2017-06-12 Schwartz email response

2017-06-18 PRR Response to Schwarts & Galloway

2017-06-28 Digger ltr re Diaz PRA

2017-06-28 Response to Schwartz and Galloway

2017-06-29 Chen Response to Digger ltr

2017-07-05 VTDigger ltr

2017-07-12 Chen response to 7-5 ltr
02/22/2017 Eric Daniel Jackson Unknown 2017-02-15 recd 2017-02-22 PRA request

2017-02-24 London resp to PRA request
02/22/2017 Lauren C Vrana Turke & Struass LLP 2017-02-22 Vrana PRA request

2017-03-02 London response w-docs
02/28/2017 Michael Hall Public & Private Sector Solutions 2017-02-28 Hall PRA email request

2017-03-06 Response to PRA request
03/02/2017 Tracy Schumacher 2017-03-02 Schuhmacher PRA request

2017-03-08 CRB resp to PRR w-docs
03/10/2017 Eric Daniel Jackson Unknown 2017-03-06 Jackson PRA request

2017-03-13 Chen response to PRR
03/14/2017 Teri Doerr WebRecon LLC Billing 2017-03-14 Doerr PRA request

2017-03-17 JDH response to PRA request

WebRecon Records Request AG17-02311 Response
03/20/2017 Zsolt Bobis Unknown 2017-03-20 Bobis PRA Request

2017-03-21 RCB response to PRR
03/21/2017 Bob Audette Brattleboro Reformer 2017-03-21 Audette PRA request

2017-03-22 London response to PRA request

2017-03-22 London further resp w-docs
03/29/2017 Ashley Hill Unknown 2017-03-29 Hill PRA request

2017-03-30 CAP resp to PRR w-docs

Store It All Self Storage Complaints
03/29/2017 Joseph Radochonski Unknown 2017-04-07 Radochonski PRA request

2017-04-07 London resp to PRA request
03/30/2017 Joshua L Simonds The Burlington Law Practice, PLLC 2017-03-30 Simonds PRA request

2017-04-04 RCB initial response to PRR

2017-10-02 Curtis final response to PRR

Documents Produced pages 1-140

Documents Produced pages 140-525
04/03/2017 Detective Mark Jacobs Colchester PD 2017-04-03 Det Jacobs PRA request

2017-04-03 JDH response to PRA request

2017-11-07 Documents Produced
04/10/2017 Ken Kramer 2017-04-10 Kramer PRA request

2017-04-14 Turner response to PRR

2017-11-07 Case List
04/11/2017 Paul Heintz Seven Days 2017-04-10 Heintz PRA Request

2017-04-17 Heintz email re narrowing request

2017-04-20 London resp to PRA request

2017-04-20 Documents Produced pages 1-150

2017-04-20 Documents Produced pages 151-287

2017-04-20 London email to Heintz w-resp

2017-04-27 London email to Heintz w-Diamond emails

2017-04-27 Heintz Diamond emails – REDACTED
04/14/2017 Peter Colman Unknown 2017-04-14 Colman PRA request

2017-04-19 RCB response to PRA request
04/17/2017 Meghan Burrows Clark Werner & Flynn, P.C. 2017-04-17 Burrows PRA Request

2017-04-25 KLM email re PRR

2017-04-25 Burrows response to KLM email

Burrows Pages 1-185

Burrows Pages 186-297

Burrows Pages 298-397

Burrows Pages 398-446

Burrows Pages 447-500

Burrows Pages 501-560

Burrows Pages 561-613

Burrows Pages 614-668

Burrows Pages 669-703

Burrows Pages 704-724

Burrows Pages 725-745

Burrows Pages 746-1131

Burrows Pages 1132-1193

Burrows Transcripts Produced
04/19/2017 Lori Johnson Unknown 2017-04-19 Johnson PRA request

2017-04-20 Shaw response to PRA request

2017-11-07 Documents Produced
04/21/2017 Terry J Allen Unknown 2017-04-21 Allen PRA request

Aspen Dental complaint files spreadsheet 4-21-2011 to 4-21-2017

2017-04-21 Allen email requesting full files

2017-04-21 JDH response to PRA request

2017-04-25 Shaw email w-cost est

2017-04-25 Allen email re costs

2017-04-26 Shaw response re est charges
04/26/2017 Morgan True VTDigger 2016-04-26 True PRA request

2017-05-01 London extension notice

2017-05-05 London email sending redacted emails

2017-05-05 True Documents Produced

2017-05-10 London email re no further records
05/03/2017 Adam Silverman Burlington Free Press 2015-05-03 Silverman PRA Request

2017-05-12 London initial response

2017-05-12 Silverman Documents Produced pages 1-60

2017-05-12 Silverman Documents Produced pages 61-123

2017-05-17 Silverman further PRA request

2017-05-18 London second response
05/08/2017 Judson Witham Unknown 2017-05-08 Witham PRA request

2017-05-10 London resp to PRA request
05/11/2017 Jeffrey Howerton Unknown 2017-05-11 Howerton PRA request

2017-05-17 KMF response to PRA request
05/26/2017 Tyler Dumont WCAX-TV 2017-05-26 Dumont PRA request

2017-06-02 London response w-documents

2017-06-14 Dumont Documents Produced
05/30/2017 Morgan True VTDigger 2017-05-30 True PRA request

2017-06-02 Meenan response to PRA request
06/05/2017 Laurie Gould Unknown 2017-06-05 Gould request for full complaints

2017-06-05 Shaw response to PRA request

2017-06-05 Shaw final response to PRA request

2017-11-08 Gould Documents Produced
06/06/2017 Cody Brumgard Open Minds 2017-06-06 Brumgard PRA request

2017-06-08 Farrell response to PRA request

2017-06-20 Brumgard Document Produced
06/07/2017 Douglas Cavett Unknown 2017-06-07 Cavett PRA request

2017-06-09 KMF response to PRA request
06/07/2017 Heather Johnson Unknown 2017-06-07 Johnson PRA request

2017-06-08 Jandl Response to PRA request

2017-11-08 Johnson Documents Produced
06/09/2017 Hardin, Richardson,& Mandelbaum Free Market Environmental Law Clinic 2017-06-09 Hardin PRA Request

2017-06-14 London 10 day ext ltr

2017-06-14 KMF email w-ext ltr

2017-06-28 Hardin follow-up email

2017-06-28 Griffin further extension ltr

2017-07-19 KMF response to PRA request

2017-07-25 Hardin appeal ltr

2017-08-01 Diamond Resp to Appeal ltr
06/12/2017 Joseph Patner Unknown 2017-06-12 Patner PRA Request

2017-06-15 KMF email response to PRA

2017-06-15 Patner Document Produced
06/13/2017 Mapes Law Offices (1) Mapes Law Offices 2017-06-13 Mapes PRA Request

2017-06-13 Jandl response to PRA Request
06/13/2017 Mapes Law Offices (2) Mapes Law Offices 2017-06-13 Mapes PRA Request

2017-06-13 Jandl response to PRA Request
06/16/2017 Alan Keays VTDigger 2017-06-16 Keays PRA Request

2017-06-21 London email to narrow scope of PRA request

2017-06-26 Galloway Keays follow up

2017-06-29 Griffin response to PRA request

2017-06-29 Keays Documents Produced
06/19/2017 Allan Blustein America Rising LLC 2017-06-19 Blutstein PRA request

2017-06-22 KMF email w-initial resp ltr

2017-06-22 London initial resp ltr

2017-07-03 London response to PRA request
06/19/2017 Robert B Hemley Gravel & Shea 2017-06-19 Hemley PRA request

2017-07-03 RCB response to PRA request

2017-07-18 Hemley email confirming costs

2017-07-18 RCB email re estimated costs

2017-10-02 Hemley Documents Produced pages 1-140

2017-10-02 Hemley Documents Produced pages 141-525

2018-04-06 Curtis supplemental response to Hemley
06/23/2017 Amy Chamberlin Unknown 2017-06-23 Chamberlin PRA Request

2017-06-23 Shaw Response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Chamberlin Documents Produced
06/29/2017 Lisa Werner Clark, Werner, & Flynn, P.C. 2017-06-29 Beling for Werner PRA Request

2017-06-29 Turner email to narrow request

2017-06-29 Werner agreement to narrow request

2017-06-30 Turner response to PRA request
06/29/2017 Thomas Wright WVUE/FOX 8 News 2017-06-29 Wright PRA request

2017-07-05 Shaw response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Wright Documents Produced
07/06/2017 David M Pocius PAUL FRANK + COLLINS P.C. 2017-07-06 Pocius PRA request

2017-07-26 London response to PRA request
07/10/2017 Quick, Derek Strasburger 2017-07-10 Quick PRA request recd 7-19-17

2017-07-19 Jandl resp to PRA request
07/31/2017 Tisha Thompson ESPN 2017-07-31 Thompson PRA Request

2017-08-10 RCB Response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Thompson Document Produced
08/02/2017 Annette Smith Vermonters for a Clean Environment 2017-08-02 Smith PRA Request

2017-08-02 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-08-14 Chen response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Smith Documents Produced pages 1-275

2017-11-09 Smith Documents Produced pages 276-554
08/03/2017 Thomas S Sherman Unknown 2017-08-03 Sherman PRA Request

2017-08-07 KMF Response to PRA request
08/08/2017 Kerry Lynn Givens, Jr Unknown 2017-08-08 Givens PRA Request

2017-08-09 KMF Response to PRR
08/09/2017 Heather Kvasnak Unknown 2017-08-09 Kvasnak PRA request

2017-08-10 Shaw response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Kvasnak Documents Produced
08/15/2017 Robert Eaton Unknown 2017-08-15 Eaton PRA request

2017-08-22 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-09-08 KMF Follow up ltr

2017-09-25 Eaton response to 9-8 ltr

2017-11-13 KMF follow-up to 9-25-17 ltr
08/16/2017 Allan Blutstein America Rising 2017-08-16 Blutstein PRA request

2017-08-22 KMF response to PRA request
08/17/2017 Ian Albinson Unknown 2017-08-17 Albinson PRA request

2017-08-17 Shaw response to PRA request

2017-11-09 Albinson Documents Produced
08/28/2017 Landrum, Richardson, & Mandelbaum Free Market Environmental Law Clinic 2017-08-28 EELI & FMELC PRA request

2017-08-28 Landrum email w-PRA Request

2017-08-30 Response to PRA request
08/30/2017 Ed Stanak Unknown 2017-08-30 Stanak PRA request

2017-09-05 AOT 10-day ext

2017-09-06 Stanak clarification email

2017-09-25 McDougall email w-PRR response

2017-09-25 McDougall PRR response
09/01/2017 Grace B Pazdan Vermont Legal Aid 2017-09-01 Pazdan PRA request

2017-09-06 Shaw response to PRR

2017-09-06 JDH email re spreadsheet

2017-09-06 Pazdan follow-up email

2017-09-01 Pazdan clarification of request

2017-09-06 Pazdan email w-files request

2017-09-06 JDH response w-files

2017-09-06 JDH email requesting clarification

2017-11-13 Pazdan Documents Produced

2017-11-13 CAP Paquin North Country Nissan
09/12/2017 Eric H Zaber Unknown 2017-09-12 Zaber PRA request

2017-09-13 KMF response to PRA request
09/15/2017 Elise Jesikiewicz Cohen & Grigsby 2017-09-15 Jesikiewicz PRA request

2017-09-22 RCB response to PRR

2017-09-22 RCB email w-response

2017-09-22 Document Produced
09/18/2017 Kathryn P. White Montpelier Police Department 2017-09-18 White PRA request

2017-09-19 Shaw response to PRR
09/19/2017 Christopher Roy The Newport Daily Express 2017-09-19 Roy PRA request

2017-09-19 Shaw response to PRR

2017-09-19 Roy Documents Produced
09/22/2017 Kathy Stubs Unknown 2017-09-22 Kathy Stubs PRA request

2017-09-22 Shaw response to PRR

2017-09-22 Kathy Stubs Documents Produced
09/25/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group 2017-09-25 PRA Request

2017-09-28 Griffin extension ltr

2017-10-09 Griffin response to PRR
09/25/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group 2017-09-25 PRA Request

2017-09-28 Griffin extension ltr

2017-10-09 Griffin response to PRR
09/25/2017 Vicki Diamond Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP 2017-09-25 Diamond email w-request

2017-09-25 Diamond PRA request

2017-09-26 Shaw response to PRR

2017-09-26 Diamond Documents Produced
09/29/2017 Jennifer Costa WCAX 2017-09-29 Costa PRA Request

2017-10-05 Costa 2nd PRA Request

2017-10-05 Shaw initial response to PRR

2017-10-25 Shaw response to PRR

2017-10-25 Costa Follow-up Request

2017-10-25 Costa Documents Produced
09/29/2017 Alicia Freese Seven Days 2017-09-29 Freese PRA request

2017-10-04 London response to PRR

2017-10-04 Freese Documents Produced

2017-10-09 London final resp to PRR
10/03/2017 Kirk Wool Unknown 2017-10-03 Wool PRA request

2017-10-03 McLean response to PRR
10/05/2017 Alex Richards Nerdwallet 2017-10-05 Richards PRA Request

2017-10-05 RCB initial response to PRR

2017-10-09 Richards email to proceed

2017-10-10 Shaw email w-docs produced

2017-10-10 Richards Documents Produced
10/10/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group 2017-10-10 Novogroski PRA request

2017-10-13 Griffin response to PRR
10/19/2017 Jennifer Costa WCAX 2017-10-19 Costa email PRA Request

2017-10-19 Donovan email re PRR

2017-10-19 Shaw response to PRR

2017-10-19 Costa Documents Produced

2017-11-22 Costa follow-up request

2017-11-27 Costa Documents Produced

2017-11-27 JDH final resp to follow-up PRR

2017-11-27 JDH initial resp to follow-up PRR
10/20/2017 Craig E. Richardson EELI Legal 2017-10-20 EELI PRA request

2017-10-25 Ten-day ext ltr

2017-11-03 Response to PRA request

2017-11-03 EELI Documents Produced
10/25/2017 Jennifer Costa WCAX 2017-10-25 Costa PRA Request

2017-10-25 Shaw Initial Response to PRR

2017-10-25 Shaw Final Response to PRR

2017-10-25 Costa Documents Produced
10/26/2017 Brian G DuPrat Unknown 2017-10-26 DuPrat PRA Request

2017-10-30 Shaw response to PRR

2017-12-18 DuPrat Documents Produced 1-221

2017-12-18 DuPrat Documents Produced 222-310

2017-12-18 DuPrat Documents Produced 311-346

2017-12-18 DuPrat Documents Produced 347-374
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 19311-71754244 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Lipton-Muckrock PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London response ltr
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 21443-51630100 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Craven-Muckrock PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 26264-32309145 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Curtis-Muckrock PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London response ltr
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 27005-36853137 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Cox-Muckrock PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response ltr

2017-12-07 Documents Produced

2017-12-07 KMF response ltr
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 28574-87173641 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Craven-Muckrock PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response ltr

2017-11-29 Craven narrowed PRA request

2017-12-05 Craven Documents Produced

2017-12-05 London email re narrowed request

2017-12-12 London final response to PRR
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 30563-93180851 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Lipton MuckRock News PRA Requests

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 31887-48403165 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Craven MuckRock News PRA Request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 31926-41653555 MuckRock News 2017-11-07 Corliss-McDermott PRA request

2017-11-22 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response ltr

2017-11-27 Duplicate PRA request
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 32506-07569594 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 MuckRock News PRA Requests

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 33911-16944771 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Smith PRA Request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London initial response

2018-02-16 Mishaan follow up ltr
11/08/2017 MuckRock News 34107-79157512 MuckRock News 2017-11-08 Smith PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 London response ltr
11/09/2017 Laura Branco Lyngklip & Associates 2017-11-09 Branco PRA request

2017-11-13 JDH response to PRR
11/13/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group #1 2017-11-13 Novogroski PRA request

2017-11-16 KMF 10-day extension ltr

2017-11-28 London response to PRR
11/13/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group #2 2017-11-13 Novogroski PRA request

2017-11-16 KMF 10-day extension ltr

2017-11-28 London response to PRR
11/13/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group #3 2017-11-13 Novogroski PRA request

2017-11-16 KMF 10-day extension ltr

2017-11-28 London response to PRR
11/13/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group #4 2017-11-13 Novogroski PRA request

2017-11-16 KMF 10-day extension ltr

2017-11-28 London response to PRR
11/13/2017 Benjamin E. Novogroski Barr Law Group #5 2017-11-13 Novogroski PRA request

2017-11-16 KMF 10-day extension ltr

2017-11-28 London response to PRR
11/13/2017 David V Kirby O’Connor and Kirby P.C. Attorneys at Law 2017-11-13 Kirby PRA request

2017-11-14 KMF 10-day ext ltr

2017-11-22 KMF further ext ltr
11/14/2017 Elizabeth Trail The Chronicle 2017-11-14 Trail PRA Request

2017-11-15 Shaw response to PRR

2017-11-15 Trail Documents Produced
11/20/2017 Katie Jickling Seven Days 2017-11-20 Jickling PRA request

2017-11-21 Shaw response to PRR

2017-12-27 Jickling Documents Produced
12/01/2017 Laura Branco Lyngklip & Associates 2017-12-01 Branco PRA request

2017-12-01 JDH response to PRR
12/04/2017 Kristin A Ross VTNH Law 2017-12-04 Ross PRA Request

2017-12-04 Levine email re PRR

2017-12-04 Levine response to PRR
12/11/2017 Michael Duclos #1 AAA Northern New England 2017-12-11 Duclos PRA Request

2017-12-12 Shaw response to PRR
12/11/2017 Michael Duclos #2 AAA Northern New England 2017-12-11 Duclos PRA Request

2017-12-12 Shaw response to PRR
12/11/2017 Michael Duclos #3 AAA Northern New England 2017-12-11 Duclos PRA Request

2017-12-12 Shaw response to PRR
12/11/2017 Michael Duclos #4 AAA Northern New England 2017-12-11 Duclos PRA Request

2017-12-12 Shaw response to PRR
12/12/2017 Michael Duclos AAA Northern New England 2017-12-12 Duclos PRA Request

2017-12-12 Shaw response to PRR
12/13/2017 Emily Chandler Eartha Pahamotang 2017-12-13 Pahamotang PRA Request

2017-12-21 Kriger response ltr to PRR
12/20/2017 Marie Peck Fabian Miller, Faignant & Fabian, P.C. 2017-12-20 Fabian PRA Request

2017-12-21 Shaw response to PRR

2018-01-09 Walsh Photos 1-5

2018-01-09 Walsh Photos 6-10

2018-01-09 Walsh Photos 11-15

2018-01-09 Walsh Photos 16-19

2018-01-10 Walsh and GBS Documents Produced
12/20/2017 Grace Pazdan Vermont Legal Aid, Inc. 2017-12-20 Pazdan PRA Request

2017-12-20 JDH response to PRR

2017-12-20 JDH clarification email re request

2017-12-20 Pazdan response to JDH clarification

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Auto complaints request for records

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_1 – pages 1-100

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_1 – pages 101-212

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_2 – pages 1-100

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_2 – pages 101-177

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_3 – pages 1-100

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_3 – pages 101-200

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_3 – pages 201-276

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_4

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_5 – pages 1-100

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_5 – pages 101-200

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_5 – pages 201-300

2018-01-24 Pazdan, Grace VLA Records produced_5 – pages 301-342
12/21/2017 Evan Chait 2017 12 21 Chait PRA Request

2017 12 27 Curtis extension ltr

2018-01-08 Layman response ltr to PRR

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 1-285

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 286-700

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 701-1010

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 1011-1359

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 1360-1689

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 1690-2020

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 2021-2257

2018-01-12 Chait Documents Produced 2258-2503
12/21/2017 Edward Blumenthal Janney Montgomery Scott LLC 2017-12-21 Blumenthal PRA Request

2017-12-26 Shaw response to PRR

2017-12-26 Documents Produced
12/26/2017 Martha Lang Unknown 2017-12-26 Lang PRA Request

2017-12-29 ltr Lang re Public Records Request

2018-01-24 ltr to Lang re Public Records Request
12/27/2017 Chandler Bellanca Chadwick Law, LLC 2017-12-27 Bellanca PRA Request

2017-12-29 McDougall response to PRR

2017-12-29 Bellanca Acknowledgment of Response
12/27/2017 Clare MacNeil Unknown 2017-12-27 MacNeil PRA Request

2017-12-28 Shaw response to PRR

2017-12-28 MacNeil Documents Produced.